I always heard that being a single mom was hard but I hardly heard a lot of people saying that with God EVERYTHING is possible . . . except for my Mother.
She did so much for me and my brother, always making sure we had what we needed. We didn’t have a VCR or a DVD player, but church activities were ALWAYS in our house. With God's help she amazingly managed to send us to a Seventh-day Adventist Academy. I thank God He gave my Mom the resources to pay for our education and with that, we were able to attend a great Christian School from Kindergarten until we graduated from High School.
Now I became a Single Mom myself and found out that there is nothing in life that’s easy, we do have to work for what we want and make sure we do things right . . . but there is ONE THING that doesn’t change, even throughout the years, and that is God’s willingness to be there for us, to help us, to guide us through thick and thin. I can tell you that being a Single mom is NOT an easy task, but being a Christian Single Mom who prays constantly and asks God for advice is the easiest task in my life. Being able to trust God, being able to ask His presence in my life and my kids’ life is the greatest blessing and for that I thank God: for being part of my life, day in and day out.
He cares about us and wants us to give Him our worries, then, what are we waiting for? I received an email this past week and thought it was the perfect sentence that can resume the way we, as Women of God, should be: "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ, that a man should have to seek Him first to find her."
By Carla Gutierrez (Carla is pictured with her two children: Emily and Angello)