The terminal was congested and people were starting to show irritation after finding out that there was a problem of overbooking and there were not enough seats for already-ticketed passengers. A group of rowdy young men started yelling at the petite Chinese lady at the counter, showing off fists and muscles as they demanded seats for the 10:00 o’clock morning trip. With broken English, she explained that there would be another bus that morning, but the crowd was furious.
After the holiday celebration, everyone wanted to go home as soon as possible and the disorganization of this travel office was too much to handle. Children were screaming, backpacks and suitcases were thrown in exasperation. Everyone in the room was complaining and shouting curses towards the Chinese lady. It was no help when I arrived at the counter because after showing her my electronic ticket, I was immediately issued seats number 1, 2 and 3 to the dismay of those who were before me. They did not understand that I had booked those seats for months and had priority over those who did not reserve ahead of time. I felt all eyes on me and the girls, and the atmosphere started to intimidate and scare me.
I tried to look calm and confident as Kristina said, “Mom, this is the ghetto.” I could tell in her eyes that she was also scared. I was starting to regret the idea of exposing my girls to this kind of environment. Will I be able to protect them if a riot occurs? I had lived in the Bronx years before, but had never been in a situation where I could be a victim. The room was extremely crowded now and there was no place to sit nor place our luggage.
All of a sudden . . .
Tune in next week for part II!!
By Raylene Baumgart