About a healthful diet,
But some people
Will not even try it!
They say they prefer the old way,
To "eat drink and be merry".
How else can we be happy?
O friends,
Stay away from junk food!
This may sound rude or even crude.
But it is a warning,
To keep you from falling
Into sure disgrace.
Then you will want to hide your face
Due to over weight
From the excessive intake
Of candies, cookies, ice cream and cake.
Wake up and shake up
To a new life!
Have a sound mind,
Be spiritually and physically fit,
And well put together.
The Bible has a answer,
Nothing can be better.
Nuts, fruits, grains, and vegetables,
These are what should fill out tummies.
But remember,
Even in the best diet,
let temperance
Be your target!
by Silma Murray